1 ripe banana
20g greek yogurt
1 tsp agave syrup (or another sweetener)
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
20g protein powder (plant protein)
100 g gluten free flour+ extra flour
10g egg white
To prepare:
- mashed the banana ;
- add greek yogurt, agave syrup, baking powder, salt ,cinnamon and protein powder;
- add the flour and mix it until it become crumbly ;
- sprinkle some flour onto a clean work surface and turn the dough onto it ;
- Knead the dough until it forms into a ball, adding flour as needed, until the dough no longer sticks to your fingers or the surface;
- flatten the dough into a circular shape, then slice it into 4-5 even pieces;
-using your hands, roll each dough piece as form caterpillar and gently bring one end above the other.
-lightly transfer each bagel onto the sheet pan. Brush the tops of each bagel with egg withes;
- transfer the bagels into the oven and bake for about 40 min at 180° ;